Saturday, July 21, 2012

Amazing leg work out

This is the leg and butt work out I do, it works your entire lower body and it is hard! I also feel it the next day like crazy. It usually takes between 20-40 minutes and I usually do it after about an hour run.

It doesnt really matter what order you do this in, I mix it up.  I usually do one set each.  20 each

Plie squats- this is like a basic squat accept your legs are wider as you're going down in a plie.

Lunges- feel free to add a few pounds of weight if wanted.  I switch legs every other lunge.  Be sure to keep your form good

Curtsy lunges- these are just like regular lunges except you step back and cross your leg behind the other.  Refer to photo.

Leg kick backs- This is really great for your butt.  You will start on all fours, then kick your leg back, pressing your heel to the sky.

Squats- Regular old fashioned squats.  Keep your back straight and press your butt down like you're going to take a seat.

Leg curl machine- This machine is at most gyms, it works your hamstrings.

Leg press down machine- This machine is at most gyms as well, it works your quads.

Leg press machine- This is found in a few different machines at the gym, it works your entire lower body, either by usuing your legs to press your seated body up, or keeping the seat stationary and pressing your legs down.

Calve lifts- very easy and effective.  Just stand up, you can add 5 pound weights if you want just holding them off to the side.  Then use your calves to lift your body up standing on your toes.

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