Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Alright so I am redirecting this blog to my new blog it's KelseyFitSpot.Blogspot.com

It is just an addition to this!! Please enjoy. I will no longer be writing on this blog

A Sample Work Out From the Book I'm Writing!!


Warm up and Stretch:
30 Seconds: Cardio March
30 Seconds: Jump Rope
Head Rolls
Inner Thigh Stretch
Quad Stretch

Work out:
25 Stationary Lunges
25 Push ups
30 Crunches
25 Seconds: Low plank hold
25 Seconds: Table
35 Each Side: Side Leg Raise
10 Full: Banana Rolls
10 Full: Plank to Side Plank
10: Forward Weighed Circles
10: Backwards Weighed Circles
30 Seconds: Superman(X2)

Upper Back Stretching
Chest Stretch
Pot Stir
Front Bent Over Stretch
Cat Stretch
Upward Dog

Shoulders and Chest

Warm up and Stretch:
30 Seconds: Cardio March
30 Seconds: Jump Rope
30 Seconds: Overhead Reach
Pot Stir
Chest Stretch

Work Out:
25: Push ups
15: Forward Weighed Arm Circles
15: Backward Weighed Arm Circles
10: Side Lateral Raises
10: Front Lateral Raises
25 Seconds: Plank Hold
15: Rotator Cuff Lifts
15: Upward Rows

Pot Stir
Chest Stretch
Head Rolls
Shoulder Stretch 

First Donation----Thank you!

Just wanted to give a thank you to Charles Mountford for the first donation to this blog!! For helping to keep this blog going!! All support is extremely appreciated, and I hope that I can help anyone looking to lose weight and get healthy. Even a 50 cent donation is extremely appreciated. Please let me know if there is anything you are interested in learning about.

Please Donate

Hello Everyone!! This blog has been very successful!! Unfortunately this is my full time job and I have to make some kind of income to keep it going...In the upper right hand corner there is a spot for donations. Please feel free to make any kind of contribution. Even $.25 cents is GREATLY appreciated! I am full of knowledge when it comes to fitness and health and I want to help everyone I can, so please help keep this blog going by making a donation :) Thank you.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Amazing leg work out

This is the leg and butt work out I do, it works your entire lower body and it is hard! I also feel it the next day like crazy. It usually takes between 20-40 minutes and I usually do it after about an hour run.

It doesnt really matter what order you do this in, I mix it up.  I usually do one set each.  20 each

Plie squats- this is like a basic squat accept your legs are wider as you're going down in a plie.

Lunges- feel free to add a few pounds of weight if wanted.  I switch legs every other lunge.  Be sure to keep your form good

Curtsy lunges- these are just like regular lunges except you step back and cross your leg behind the other.  Refer to photo.

Leg kick backs- This is really great for your butt.  You will start on all fours, then kick your leg back, pressing your heel to the sky.

Squats- Regular old fashioned squats.  Keep your back straight and press your butt down like you're going to take a seat.

Leg curl machine- This machine is at most gyms, it works your hamstrings.

Leg press down machine- This machine is at most gyms as well, it works your quads.

Leg press machine- This is found in a few different machines at the gym, it works your entire lower body, either by usuing your legs to press your seated body up, or keeping the seat stationary and pressing your legs down.

Calve lifts- very easy and effective.  Just stand up, you can add 5 pound weights if you want just holding them off to the side.  Then use your calves to lift your body up standing on your toes.

How to be active!

I feel like as Americans we are so lazy! Many of us live a very sedemintary life style doing as much sitting as we can, that mixed with our very unhealthy diets gives a good explanation to why we are all so over weight.  If you are obsese or overweight, obviously changing your diet is the most important step in becoming healthier, but just small steps can help you become healthier and fitter.  I am writing some basic things that you can add to your daily routine to help you become more active.

  • Skip the elevator: Think about climbing three flights of stairs.  That's a lot of work! It probably burns 15-20 calories! Refuse to take the elevator if you don't have to, add stairs and burn an extra 15-20 calories in a few minutes.  It's not difficult either.  Sure until your body and heart get used to you might be out of breath the first few times, but every time it will get easier! Instead of dreading stairs just think about it as, hey more calories I'm burning!

  • Park far away.  When you head to Target or anywhere else(unless it's late out and you're alone in a dangerous neighborhood) park far away, give yourself a few minutes of power walking.  If you can make an excuse not to work out, don't make an excuse to why you can't add in a minute or two of some extra walking.  I don't usually park far away because I do a lot of running, but I don't get upset when I don't get the closest parking spot, usually I don't even take the closest parking spot, I don't mind a few minutes to enjoy the sun and the fresh air.

  • Take your dog for a walk.  If you have a dog take care of it! Walk it 2-3 miles! It's a great workout for you and great for the dog as well.  It will make the walk more exciting as well.

  • Dance!  If you're going to go out to a bar or go out, hit the dance floor.  If you're going to drink excessive calories in alcohol you might as well dance th em off!! Dancing burns a ton of calories and if you hit the dance floor a couple hours just think of all the calories you burn. 

  • Make TV time work out time.  When you watch TV, do sit-ups, jumping jacks, run in place, lunges, push-ups, stretch, throw punches, do some kicks, buy a stationary bike or treadmill or  elliptical and use it while you watch TV. Get some cheap dumbbells and do bicep curls while sitting on your couch! Think of all the things you can do.  If you watch two hours of TV a day, that's a pretty good work out!

  • Walk or ride your bike: If you're going up the street for something, or only traveling a few miles and don't have a lot of dangerous intersections, walk or ride your bike!! It will save you on gas money and is good for your body! Think about it a win/win situation.

  • Play outside with your kids. Instead of watching them or sitting there play with them.  If you take them to the pool get in and swim with them.  Look at how active kids are!!! Try to keep up with them.

keywords:  get fit fast, lose weight without working out, fitness tips, live a better lifestyle, how to lose weight, how to lose lots of weight

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Running is one of my favorite exercises.  Why? It is because the way it makes you feel.  I remember in the beginning I could only run maybe a quarter of a mile before I couldn't even breath.  Now I am running almost 2 miles straight without a break, and I ran run about 8 miles tops.   So I thought I'd ad some personal tips I'd like to share if you're really interested in getting your running up to speed!!

  • EAT! Eat about an hour before your run.  If you eat right before your run you'll get cramps or sick.  Try to eat about an hour or two before the run.  Some good foods are carbs like rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread or English muffin.  Peanut butter is full of good fats and proteins to help get your body ready, or some almonds.  Bananas and honey can help you with energy. 

  • Stretch, soak, ice.  Be sure to stretch immediately after your workout.  A good calve stretch is walking the dog.  Go into downward dog, separate your legs slightly and press one heal down while you bend the other knee, you should feel a good stretch in your calve.  Switch legs every few breaths.  Do some basic hamstring, glute, and quad stretches.  Also soaking in a hot tub or bath will help sooth and warm the muscles keeping them from becoming tight.  Icing will help numb any pain.  

  • Breath.  When running or any exercise gets hard the best thing you can do is breath through it.  Focus on your breathing, and take your mind off the pain.  I know when I get to my third and fourth mile and my legs are pounding on the ground I am ready to stop, but you have to breath.  Also it's easy to get out of breath, so the best thing to do is focus on taking deep breaths in and and.  Breathing also keeps oxygen flowing in through blood which helps your body heal faster!!

  • Good shoes and good form.  There are many different theories on what kind of shoes you should wear to run in and how different grounds can effect your joints and bones.  I know I had knee problems for awhile due to running, but as I strengthened my legs by lifting weights, I was less prone to injury.  I hear barefoot running is the best.  I bought a pair of feet gloves and never really could tell if they worked because my feet filled up quickly with blisters.  I bought a pair of new balances and they are super light! I love them, they are by far the best running shoes I've warn.

  • Pace yourself but push yourself.  Don't over do it or over press yourself in the beginning.  Let your first mile or two be a warm up and save your sprinting until the very end, other wise you will run out of energy quickly.  But also push yourself.  Running is mental and there will come a point when your brain says time to walk, or time to stop, or time to go back.  That's when I do a body check.  I check my breathing, am I out of breath to the point of passing out? Usually not.  Then I check if I'm dehydrated.  Am I still sweating, can I think clearly, am I over heated?  Usually a bit of water helps to hydrate back to a healthy state.  I ask myself, are my legs tired or are am I pushing them to injury.  Usually my legs are beginning to feel sore, but not to the point of hurting myself.  If you give yourself a chance to examine your body and actually think about why you're wanting to stop usually you find no reason other than the fact that you mind wants to.  That's when you say NO, I will press on...then do it.  Keep going.  When I do this and allow myself to mentally push on, is when I do my best runs.  This is also true in any work-out.  Very rarely do people push themselves to their max, or to injury.  Usually it is our mind that gives up.

keywords: running tips, weightloss tips, excellent running tips, learn to run, how to run longer distance